Ralph C. “Buck” Dawson
Former President of Med Safe Systems – Medical Device Company and Owner / Investor of various other business entities, Partner / Friend.
I have been a friend and business associate of Vance’s for more than twenty-five years. During that time, we have collaborated on over a half dozen real estate projects, most of them a success. One of Vance’s greatest attributes is his perseverance. The old cliché “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” fits Vance perfectly. His doggedness and dedication to his partners and investors makes him go the extra mile to make the venture a success. He is a great problem solver and will work diligently towards a potential solution. He has always communicated to his partners and investors with complete honesty and, as a result, he remains friends with everyone who has invested with him. Most stand ready to reinvest with him given the opportunity.
Bob Miller
Former President of Infusion Technologies – medical device company, Executive with Winfield Medical, Investor and Principal in varied other business entities
I have known and worked with Vance for over 25 years dating back to when he was an operations manager for the company that acquired by medical device business. We worked together there for a couple years after which we partnered together on several real estate development projects where Vance was the managing partner. During this time, I learned of his varied business experience including among others, owning a multi-location retail operation. More recently, he created a successful specialty construction business with projects throughout Southern California. With his broad history of business success, I am confident that Vance would provide valuable insight and advice to any business regardless of the industry.
Thomas Clydesdale
Executive Alpine Trust Private Bank, Lender, Investor, Friend
Vance is a most trusted friend and partner who has decades of business experience as owner and entrepreneur. He always approaches business with the highest level of integrity and is patient yet results - driven. His communication style is clear, concise, and enthusiastic. His high energy level encourages others to perform to the best of their ability, allowing his team to always perform at the top level of excellence and full of purpose.
Joe Nebolon
Owner, Expertise Engineering – Product Development Company in San Diego – serving Medical, Biotech, Digital and Mechanical Companies
Vance Campbell and I met in 1995. That is the year I started my product design company Expertise Engineering LLC and Vance was my second customer. We are still in business and Vance has been a customer of ours on and off since then. What I’ve learned over the years about Vance is that his experience runs the gamut; a circumstance that has helped me in several ways. Firstly, he has a broad understanding of business operations, business structures and arrangements, product development flow and practical guidance on how to grow or maintain a business. I’ve come to learn that he has acquired these areas of knowledge by actually owning several businesses or as an executive within a business. As a customer Vance has brought us numerous product design tasks in the medical, consumer and commercial space. As a friend, Vance has lent an ear and a helpful viewpoint that can be fine pointed or from 10,000 feet. I have felt confident enough in his knowledge and integrity to refer some of my most important customers to him for advice.
Jay English
Founder / Owner for 30 years - Pacific Plastics Injection Molding – San Diego, CA.
I have known Vance since the early nineties. He was the managing consultant for two product development projects for which my company, Pacific Plastics, provided injection molds and plastic parts. Vance was an astute project manager demonstrating excellent judgement in all aspects— technical, managerial, marketing, whatever. He also displayed his unimpeachable integrity when, to my relief and pleasant surprise, he personally ensured that we received full payment for tooling charges just prior to liquidation of one of the companies. For many years Vance and I met for Friday breakfast with two other business associates, and we retain a warm friendship in my retirement.
Ted Tillinghast
Owner, Golden Mean Engineering/25 years, – Product Development Company in San Diego
Over two decades ago, what initially began as a professional connection has blossomed into a close friendship. During this time, I've had the privilege of observing Vance single-handedly establish a highly successful Stucco Business from the ground up. I have come to find he has had similar success in many other ventures. In my eyes, Vance holds the position of an older brother, a confidant to whom I turn for business guidance. I've also had the pleasure of recommending both friends and clients to him.
Through Vance, I was introduced to one of his beloved charities, the Challenged Athletes Foundation. It was through his initiative that I became involved in assisting with the design of a bike for a quadriplegic individual. Once Vance sets his mind on something, it's nearly impossible to decline his determined enthusiasm. His dedication and persistence when pursuing projects are truly remarkable to behold.
I consider myself fortunate to have Vance's proximity for valuable business counsel and recognize my luck in having him as a genuine friend.