About Vance Campbell
Shortly after graduating from the College of Business at the University of Arizona, Vance Campbell by the age of 24 became an entrepreneur and principal in two businesses. Both companies were started with very little money, resources, or experience, but became thriving businesses. One of the businesses ultimately became a multi-unit retail chain in Arizona with as many as 100 employees. That entity became the springboard that resulted in the creation of a brand, and associated manufacturing operation, that was creating products for the “action sports” industry, that business was later sold. Another venture of that time period was the founding of a unique Art “Retailer” (as opposed to “Gallery”) which also thrived and was ultimately sold.
Early in his business career, Vance began investing, developing and brokering real estate. As a highlight of his real estate career, he was responsible for facilitating the largest real estate land transaction in the history of Grubb and Ellis Commercial Real Estate Company with the sale (and ultimate BLM land swap) of the Empire-Cienega land holdings of 75,000 acres, owned by a joint venture of two large copper mining entities, Anaconda and AMAX Corp.
In the 1990’s while continuing his real estate activities, Vance founded a manufacturing and product development entity. Through that entity, he manufactured and developed products for the medical device industry and was granted several U.S. Patents in his name, and during that period held participating interests in multiple medical device companies.
In 2001 Vance founded the business now known as Apptek Industries, a construction subcontracting business in Southern California. The company grew dramatically and is now established as an industry leader with noteworthy high-end residential and commercial projects in San Diego, Orange County and LA. Vance’s son, Adam Campbell, has recently become the primary principal in that operation.
Currently Vance continues his real estate investment activities and is focusing on Small Business consulting, coaching, investing / M&A. activities.
During his career, Vance Campbell. has served on the boards of several non-profit entities including The Arizona Desert Museum of Tucson, Arizona, Junior Achievement, the American Cancer Society, and today is actively involved with the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) in San Diego.
Here's a Few Companies Vance Started or was a Principal / Investor / Leader
Vance Campbell was responsible for the sale of the Historic Empire / Cienega Ranch land holdings, of 75,000-acre, approx $50 Million
